Mindfulness meditation (or mindfulness meditation) is an increasingly widespread practice among all age groups and social backgrounds.
It is a form of guided meditation that not only aims to relax the mind at a given moment, but also focuses on different aspects of the individual's life, investigating each one thoroughly.
Examples are the perception of the present moment, the idea that you have of yourself, your values and the relationship with others, projecting those who practice in a: more positive vision of the future, more aware of the present moment and less judgmental towards of the past.
A mindfulness meditation session can last as little as twenty minutes, but, in the long term and practiced constantly, it can bring permanent benefits to the psychological well-being of the individual.
MeetLab raises the bar, and offers a course that combines psychological and physical well-being, introducing a relaxing gymnastics and mindfulness meditation course.
Each lesson will last one hour, consisting of:
- 40 minutes of relaxing gymnastics (inspired by yoga and pilates, but with a gentle pace and adaptable to any level of training)
- 20 minutes of mindfulness meditation, which will end with a convivial and exchange moment.
I corsi di Attività Fisica Adattata - AFA - prevedono l’esecuzione di esercizi appositamente indicati per persone con capacità motorie ridotte conseguenti a condizioni croniche quali artrosi del rachide, delle anche e delle ginocchia, esiti stabilizzanti dell’ictus cerebrale, malattia di Parkinson, diabete e sedentarietà.
Risultano quindi particolarmente mirati alla prevenzione del decadimento funzionale, che può essere legato all’età, oppure conseguente a un periodo di sedentarietà e/o immobilità.
Il decadimento, infatti, potrebbe portare a un progressivo peggioramento delle condizioni fisiche dei soggetti, con conseguenze anche sulla qualità della vita. Per questo motivo sono rivolti principalmente agli over 65, ma possono essere indicati anche per i soggetti più giovani: l’AFA, infatti, è particolarmente indicata nella prevenzione del mal di schiena non solo nelle persone anziane, ma anche in coloro che svolgono un lavoro di tipo sedentario.
Tra le attività sportive di Meet Lab, anche un piccolo Settore di Atletica ancora in crescita. Ciò non significa, però, che non abbia già portato a casa risultati importanti.
Nel mese di marzo 2024, infatti, una nostra atleta Senior ha partecipato alla 40a edizione della manifestazione francese ViviCittà, svoltasi a Saint Ouen e classificandosi 2a nella sua Categoria.
Mindfulness meditation (or mindfulness meditation) is an increasingly widespread practice among all age groups and social backgrounds.
It is a form of guided meditation that not only aims to relax the mind at a given moment, but also focuses on different aspects of the individual's life, investigating each one thoroughly.
Examples are the perception of the present moment, the idea that you have of yourself, your values and the relationship with others, projecting those who practice in a: more positive vision of the future, more aware of the present moment and less judgmental towards of the past.
A mindfulness meditation session can last as little as twenty minutes, but, in the long term and practiced constantly, it can bring permanent benefits to the psychological well-being of the individual.
MeetLab raises the bar, and offers a course that combines psychological and physical well-being, introducing a relaxing gymnastics and mindfulness meditation course.
Each lesson will last one hour, consisting of:
- 40 minutes of relaxing gymnastics (inspired by yoga and pilates, but with a gentle pace and adaptable to any level of training)
- 20 minutes of mindfulness meditation, which will end with a convivial and exchange moment.